Why C.R Patterson, Born Slave, Built Automobiles Before Henry Ford and people continue to ignore it!
The C.R. Patterson & Sons Company was a carriage building firm, and the first African American-owned automobile manufacturer. The company...
The C.R. Patterson & Sons Company was a carriage building firm, and the first African American-owned automobile manufacturer. The company...
Historically recognized as the "First Moorish Freemason." Born in the Congo (Cameroon), at age seven he was kidnapped and sold...
In June 16th, 1898, Marita Bonner was born. She was a Black writer One of four children, Bonner was born...
Said to be one of the oldest photographs taken in Barbados of a Bajan, this image captures Nancy Daniels. The...
Anton Wilhelm Amo (1703-1759) était un philosophe, éducateur et érudit ghanéen qui a apporté d'importantes contributions au paysage intellectuel de...
In 1930, a Hungarian inventor observed children playing with marbles in a puddle, noticing that the marbles left a trail...
Quand l’envie d’évasion nous prend, il est impossible de lui résister. Alors, on y cède et nous voilà parti à...
Le dernier rapport des experts de l’ONU sur la situation en Centrafrique publié le 14 juin, interroge notamment sur la...
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK — Norway has tightened controls over adoptions from abroad but will allow them to continue as it conducts...
MWINGI, KENYA — Esther Kangali felt a sharp pain while on her mother's farm in eastern Kenya. She looked down...