Did you know? : All about a pionner of the auto industry, Henry Ford from Dearbon, Michigan.
On July 30, 1863, Henry Ford was born in present-day Dearborn, Michigan.
![Southern Alberta : John Ware (c. 1845 – 11 September 1905) was a Canadian cowboy who was influential in the early years .](https://i0.wp.com/urtv.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/WhatsApp-Image-2023-08-04-at-00.29.24.jpeg?resize=600%2C400&ssl=1)
Southern Alberta : John Ware (c. 1845 – 11 September 1905) was a Canadian cowboy who was influential in the early years .
John Ware was a Canadian cowboy who played a significant role in the early years of the ranching industry in Southern Alberta.
Elles se trouvent à 4 kilomètres l’une de l’autre dans le détroit de Béring, entre la Russie et les États-Unis. Habayeho umugore,akaba umutindi nyakujya,akibera mu ngunguru bari barajugunye.
Le tour de France 1947: quand le cyclisme libérait la Pentagone
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"Aider quelqu'un à traverser des difficultés est le point de départ de la civilisation", a expliqué Mead. La civilisation est une aide communautaire.
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Le Mammouth de George LAWRENCE
George R. Lawrence était un photographe américain célèbre pour ses prouesses dans la photographie aérienne et l’utilisation d’équipements spéciaux pour capturer des images uniques.
We must all learn a lesson from the story of Uncle Musa.
After living in the United States for 40 years and at the age of 70, Uncle Musa finally relocated to Salagie, The Gambia this year to live in his 5-bedroom house which took him 10 years to complete.
Saviez-vous qu'il y a un décalage horaire de 21heures entre les Îles Diomède ?
Umugani: Umugore w'umutindi nyakujya