Category: C.Général

A richer and greater history than ancient historians have tried to have us believe
Many people are thinking that Africa had no history. However, historical and archeological studies have proven that Africa has a richer and greater history than ancient historians have tried to have us believe.
1.Never target high seasons; high seasons come with their own challenges. Be a farmer, not a gambler. 2. Choose at least two main crops and a crop rotation plan. Switching … En Guinée Equatoriale, un scandale politico-sexuel digne du 7e art mettant en cause un haut fonctionnaire est actuellement le sujet phare des médias et en top des tendances sur les réseaux sociaux. Les autorités limog… Said to be one of the oldest photographs taken in Barbados of a Bajan, this image captures Nancy Daniels. The picture is believed to have been taken in the 1850s, either at a studio in Bridgetown by the photographer Campion o… Matthew A. Cherry, the inventor of the tricycle, was born on February 5, 1834 in Washington, D.C. While not much is known about his early life, it is evident that he had a… FOOTBALL – C’est une retouche qui ne passe pas inaperçue dans un contexte tendu pour Read More De nombreuses personnalités publiques ont déploré sa disparition et salué son courage. Sammy Basso, un Italien souffrant de progéria (ou syndrome de Hutchinson-Gilford), maladie du Read More
Affaire Baltasar Engonga en Guinée équatoriale : les autorités limogent le haut fonctionnaire
Africa: more about the oldest photographs of Nancy Daniels from West Africa
USA: the inventor of the tricycle, was a slave boy Matthew. Why not known well?
Comment le Real Madrid justifie avoir effacé Kylian Mbappé d’une campagne promotionnelle avec Adidas
« À 25 ans, quand on n’est pas en couple... », Mbappé s'en sort
Sammy Basso, le malade le plus âgé au monde atteint de vieillissement prématuré, est mort à 28 ans