Category: ENG

Seen by: 2 A British sailor removes the leg chains off an enslaved man who had worn them for three years, 1907. DESPITE THE ODDS AFRICANS ARE GREAT PEOPLE This photograph shows a sailor removing the manacle from a newly freed slave. The picture is part of a small collection donated by Samuel Chidwick to…

Iwao Hakamada, qui a passé 46 ans dans le couloir de la mort au Japon, finalement acquitté
Le juge a mis en cause l’enquête et les méthodes d’interrogatoire qui ont conduit à sa condamnation à mort en 1968. Les soutiens de M. Hakamada espèrent que les procureurs ne feront pas appel de ce jugement.

En 1969, trois jeunes hommes ont décidé de lancer leur entreprise de livraison avec les quelques ressources dont ils disposaient.

Côte d’Ivoire: L’histoire de Mercedes Benz
Hommage à Nifa Diaby. L’histoire de Mercedes Benz en Côte d’Ivoire ne peut être contée sans prononcer le nom de Nifa Diaby, le plus grand transporteur ivoirien de tous les temps. Fils d’un commerçant originaire de Samatiguila…

Not for under 18: All about 20 TRUTHS ABOUT S£X POSITIONS.
- There are many s£x positions. Experiment. Try them. You are to be married for years to that one person, have v…

L'heure du conte : un des amis africains de l'URTV :Margaret Idahosa
L'heure du conte : un des amis africains de l'URTV :
“Le jour de notre mariage, mon mari n’avait pas de voi…

USA:10 Fun Facts About BMWs by B and B Autohaus
1. BMW didn’t start out making carsBMW was founded back in 1916, but not to build cars — it had newer technology in mind. The company was created to make four cylinder air…

Why C.R Patterson, Born Slave, Built Automobiles Before Henry Ford and people continue to ignore it!
The C.R. Patterson & Sons Company was a carriage building firm, and the first African American-owned automobile manufacturer. The company was founded by Charles Richard Patterson, who was born into slavery in April 18…

Seen by: 8,901 : Some other interesting facts about kitchens include: · The first electric toaster was invented in 1893.· Kitchens can be designed to accommodate different ages and abilities, such as accessible countertops and adaptive utensils.· The “kitchen table” is often a central gathering place for family meals and socializing. I hope you found…

Congo: First Moorish Freemasonic, Soliman
Historically recognized as the “First Moorish Freemason.” Born in the Congo (Cameroon), at age seven he was kidnapped and sold into slavery. In Europe, he was the slave (child toy) of a prominent Sicilian lady. Later, at age …